Mohand Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Mohand deep-1, Latitude: 30o 11' 45" N, Longitude: 77o 54' 55" E. Drilled depth: 5264 m . The top of the section is at 4587 m and the base is not penetrated. Shukla et al (1993)
Lithology and Thickness
Dolomitic limestone and claystone. Three lithountis are identified in the well. Lower unit (5052-5264 m) is a medium grey to dark grey, hard and compact, dolomitic limestone. Angular to subangular melanocratic, fine-grained Diabase rock fragments embedded in carbonate mass occur frequently. Pyrite crystals are common. Middle unit (4795-5052 m) is composed of hard compact, carbonaceous, pyritiferous black slaty shale. Upper unit (4587-4795 m) is silicified dolomitic limestone with silty shale. Thickness: In the type section only 677 m of upper part of the formation is seen
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The formation is underlain unconformably by metamorphic rocks of Janauri Gr
Upper contact
The formation is unconformably overlain by Upper Dharmsala Fm in the type section.
Regional extent
The sediments are correlatable to Bhander Limestone Fm of Vinhyan basin (Horbury 1991).
Unfossiliferous. The palynomorph assemblage recorded is Protosphaeridium sp., Kildinosphaera chagrinata, Trachysphaeridium sp., and Protosphaeridium densum.
Depositional setting
The deposition represent the first wide spread development of a restricted, semiarid carbonate shelf top over northern India, and indicates that clastic supply were limited. .A transgression resulted in retreat of the carbonate systems and temporary establishment of a fine clastic dominated outer shelf environment.
Additional Information